ونحن نعمل منذ عام 2008.

ذ. م. م على "الإيكولوجية" بنجاح من المشاركة في التنمية إدخال وصيانة حلول تركز على الأشياء من مختلف الصناعات والإنتاج ، المؤسسات الطبية نطاقات منذ عام 2008.

واتجاهنا الرئيسي-إنتاج منشآت الاستخدام وتحقيقها. الصانع براند برينر.

السلامة البيئية.

منتجاتنا معتمدة ومرت بالاختبارات الضرورية وقد جهزت محارق " برينر "بالإنتاج الإيطالي — "ecoflam".

شركة "الإيكولوجية" وقد وضعت كفاءة عالية نظام تنقية الغاز التي تلبي جميع متطلبات السلامة البيئية ، مما يتيح ما يقرب من 100 ٪ نظيفة الهواء مغادرة الغلاف الجوي دون تلويث ذلك.

Наша команда

Фото Robin Peterson

Robin Peterson


He started out as a small contractor, undertaking and construction of small projects. In mid 30s and led the company from the front.

Фото Shane Elderman

Shane Elderman

Project Manager

The company is a symbol of his values, ideas and integrity that he has managed to bring to the company as well.

Фото Jude Foster

Jude Foster


Jude’s vision to transform the construction experience by building smart buildings is in our roots. Irrespective of the size.

Открытые вакансии

Информация о работе

С 2019 - по 2020
4 человека

Another effective tip to control construction dust is to hang plastic drop cloths known as zipwalls around the area of renovation. But excess of movement should be avoided as it allows the dust to potentially escape and settlement. Little preparation will land you with a much smoother, better and convenient house built perfect and completed on time.

The first decision is whether you would reside in the same house during renovation or temporarily shift out. If renovation is just for one place like bathroom or kitchen, its possible to remain staying there with a few adjustments. But if the entire house needs a renovation, it could stretch to a few months and its best to shift to any temporary abode like a rented apartment or a hotel. While remodeling, opt for materials with mass appeal like stainless steel appliances of high quality rather than the professional-grades ones.

Информация о работе

На постоянной основе
1 человек

While remodeling, opt for materials with mass appeal like stainless steel appliances of high quality rather than the professional-grades ones. But excess of movement should be avoided as it allows the dust to potentially escape and settlement. Little preparation will land you with a much smoother, better and convenient house built perfect.

The first decision is whether you would reside in the same house during renovation or temporarily shift out. If renovation is just for one place like bathroom or kitchen, its possible to remain staying there with a few adjustments. But if the entire house needs a renovation, it could stretch to a few months and its best to shift to any temporary abode like a rented apartment or a hotel. Another effective tip to control construction dust is to hang plastic drop cloths known as zipwalls around the area of renovation.